I'd like to give you a gift ...
Early in 2018 I was really REALLY struggling with chronic anxiety, stress, CPTSD, flashbacks, alopecia, face-picking, nightmares, daymares, I was struggling to sleep, I had eye infections, body image issues, dysfunctional eating, and a whole host of other symptoms & difficulties.
I felt broken & hopeless.
Most people who come into my group have NO IDEA about my story or even that I genuinely struggled with all of the above (& more!)
I have access to a coaching session that was recorded with me being coached by two coaches in my community called Jan & Chip Chipman in 2018.
This session has been previously only available to my Circle Sisters, or other women in my group programs.
I wondered if it would be helpful for you to listen to this coaching session to see for yourself the change in me, so you can see what is possible for you.
Fill out this form to receive the recording.