How to Break Free From Chronic Anxiety and Destructive Habits Without Relying on Willpower or Self-Discipline
Discover the roots of your anxiety, eating disorder or unwanted habit...
and learn scientifically proven ways to stop them right when they appear
“The only voice that made sense to me was the one that was telling me what a piece of sh*t I was”
I was just 21. It was one of the worst days of my life.
I lost my brother in a car accident and my father was severely disabled and he was left with challenging physical and mental health problems.
This completely shattered my world. In one moment, my whole life was different:
My thoughts imprisoned me.
I was always anxious, fearful, and depressed.
I suffered from Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and would often experience panic attacks.
My thoughts kept telling me things I would never in a million years let anyone else say to me or repeat to anyone else.
Maybe you can relate?
My thoughts kept telling me that I was...
- Stupid
- Fat
- Weak
- Ugly
- A failure
They told me that no one would ever want to listen to me.
They told me I would never amount to anything.
They told me that I would never be happy.
They told me I was worthless.
And all that time, I looked outside of myself for my happiness and security. I tried to hide my anxiety with alcohol, over exercising, or social isolation. This became almost a full-time job.
I was continually shrouded by a dark, heavy thought cloud of “I am not enough.”
And just like me, you may suffer from any of the following behaviours…
Mood and Emotions
- Anxiety & Depression
- Constant worry
- Repetitive thoughts & feelings
- Mood instability
- Panic attacks
Diet, Weight & Health
- Comfort/ emotional eating
- Binge or secret eating
- Constantly weighing yourself
- Body image insecurities
- Eating disorders
Unwanted Habits
- Drug or Alcohol use
- Online/ social media addictions
- Overspending
- Overworking
- Stress/ difficulty switching off
Personally, I have experienced and suffered with almost every one of those issues in my life.
I thought I had tried EVERYTHING out there, all of the modalities, therapies, and treatments.
But these negative thoughts and behaviours always found a way of coming back.
I had reached a point of believing that nothing would “fix” me.
But little did I know about what I do know now: that change is easier than you think it is - even if you have tried everything else.
Now, I appreciate that anxiety and destructive habits may show up differently on the surface. But as you’ll you in a second, at their foundation their roots are all the same:
They are all down to a misunderstanding of the human mind and how we work.
And once we learn how not to be afraid of our own experience - everything changes.
Would you like to hear from someone who has experienced this shift?
“When this email arrived giving details of a course being run by Charli Wall called Finding Freedom from Habits and Anxiety I was immediately interested. Being amongst other things a habitual dieter and always anxious to please everyone could this help me find the answer I have been looking for? But hold on what about the cost? What would all the other ladies doing the course be like? I feel ok most of the time, I know what I need to do right? I can surely do it on my own and do I really have the time?
8 weeks on and I can honestly say it was one of the best decisions I have ever made to sign up for this course. It has made me look at my relationships in a different way. Given me a better understanding of why I sometimes react like I do and made me realise I’m not all that bad. The other ladies have been an inspiration, listening, sharing stories, full of understanding and support.
What I enjoyed the most was listening to the modules in my own time with no pressure to have to complete them within a certain period. If I felt the need I could go back and listen again which often made me see something different.
The interviews with guest speakers also gave another insight into how our minds work, sharing their own experiences and answering questions. Charli is there just as a guide, it’s ok if you don’t ‘get it', it’s ok if you want to question, there is no right or wrong, no judgment just warmth, understanding, knowledge, support, and a wicked sense of humour!
To sum up – it was worth every penny, the ladies were all fantastic, I do feel ok most of the time and now I have more of an insight as to why.
There is nothing I ‘need’ to do, I can do it on my own but having support is invaluable and I made the time, which is probably the best thing I could have done. Was this the answer I was looking for – Charli has helped me realise that I had the answer all along, I just had to find it within me."”
~ Jacci H
Do You Feel Exhausted From Pretending To Be Happy?
Whether it’s anxiety that can strike at any time, eating disorders to avoid feelings you can't handle, or unwanted behaviours that are running on autopilot...
It feels like a pendulum swinging... left, right, left, right... being stuck in a never-ending downward spiral for weeks, months, even years.
So I’d like to ask if you can see yourself in any of the following situations…
Do you ever:
- Feel insecure about your looks or the way people perceive you?
- Starve or over-exercise to feel comfortable in your skin but never quite getting there?
- Do you put immense pressure on yourself to be or act in a certain kind of way?
- Feel scared about not being good enough? You may feel like you’re an imposter or you’re scared of being judged and criticised by others
- Do you have a hard time slowing down? Like there’s always one more thing to do before you can finally “relax”?
- Tell yourself you don't have time to do what you should be doing, and then waste time on Facebook, mobile games, or online shopping?
- Self-sabotage yourself by overthinking things which puts you off starting or completing something you’d really want to do?
- Feel trapped by old stories in your head which results in inaction and fear?
- Do you try to avoid difficult emotions by (secretly) eating/drinking?
Whatever it is, you feel exhausted, stressed, and tired.
And you wonder if you’re the only one who suffers like this… while everyone else seems to have their life together.
If you can relate to any of the examples above, let me show you...
How you can think about yourself the way you think about others.
Strong, confident, and worthy...
...and do the things you really want instead of letting the voice inside your head hold you back or sabotage you.
And how would you like to do this without relying on:
- Willpower
- Motivation
- Self-Discipline
- Medication, diets, or anything else that promises to “fix” you
- Or “fake it until you make it” advice
Let me introduce you to
FREEDOM: A radical new approach to self-acceptance and self-worth.
This group coaching program is specifically designed to help you finally find freedom from your anxieties and unwanted behaviours.
Before going into details, let me explain why and how this new approach works:
Why Your Anxiety Or Unwanted Behaviour Isn’t The Real Problem
This might sound shocking, but:
No matter what you do, your negative thoughts will NEVER go away.
While trying to fight them can itself become a problem…
...negative thoughts or behaviours aren’t the real issue.
The reason for that is simple:
Our minds are wired to “think negative.”
Go with me, it isn't bad news.
It’s what psychologists also call “Negative Bias.”*1
It’s why we constantly ruminate over our imperfections or vividly recall past events in our heads while cringing in embarrassment over it.
Think of it this way: back in the days (let’s call it Stone Age), we constantly had to scan our environment for enemies.
Our brain was always on standby, looking for threats.
Without it, we wouldn’t survive very long (imagine a salivating saber-toothed tiger looking for a raw human for dinner tonight.)
But nowadays we live in a completely different world without such immediate threats.
So we direct all the negative thinking towards ourselves; like something is inherently wrong with us for thinking or feeling this way.
Our thoughts become part of our identity and shape how we think and feel about ourselves as a person.
The solution?
You need a way to detach from your thoughts and not identify with them anymore.
And instead, choose how you want to think and feel about yourself.
Let me give you a real-life example of how this works:
Did you ever have a teddy bear?
Or something similar you held on tight whenever you felt scared or upset as a kid?
I had a Winnie the Pooh. I believed that when I hugged the teddy bear it made me feel safe, secure, and loved.
As adults, we intuitively know that it’s not the teddy bear that makes a child feel secure.
The question then is: Where do all these feelings of safety, love, and security come from?
The teddy bear is just a stuffed toy, right? So 0% of those feelings of love, safety, and security come from the bear.
They come 100% from within the child.
You might not have a teddy bear at this point, but as adults, we STILL believe that things outside of us are responsible for how we feel.
It’s why we choose alternatives like food, money, alcohol, clothes, a relationship, or a house to make us feel ‘better’.
What we simply do is make up stories in our minds.
Stories of how things should be.
Stories about what others think of us.
Stories of what might happen in the future.
And it makes us feel bad, anxious and keeps us in a state of constant fear.
But this also means you can access any other emotions you want. It means you have the power to take control over your own emotional and mental well-being.
Let me show you...
How you can access this almost “superpower” from within you - at any time
...and stop self-sabotage, negative thinking, and unwanted behaviours.
It’s what FREEDOM is all about and is based on the 3 following key ingredients:
INGREDIENT #1: The Neuroscience of Habit Formation
The first ingredient to long-term change is to understand how habit formation works in your brain.
It’s where we dive into the latest research of neuroscience and cover what neuroscientists call “Neuroplasticity.”
Neuroplasticity simply means that your brain can change throughout your life--depending on how you use it.*2
It’s what enables you to replace destructive habits and negative thought patterns with new positive and self-empowering habits to nurture your mental and physical wellbeing.
So you have the power to decide who you want to be.
INGREDIENT #2: The Psychology of Perception
The second key ingredient you must understand: knowing how your experiences are created.
Or in other words: how to change your perception of the challenges life throws at you.
This is where you’ll learn how your mind works, what’s there beyond your psychology, and how you can stop anxiety and unwanted behaviour right when they appear–like hitting the pause button.
INGREDIENT #3: Expert Guidance
Like with all learning, the fastest way to see results is by getting feedback from someone who’s more experienced than you.
Someone who has successfully helped other people like you.
I’ve had the honour to work with hundreds of amazing women over the last two decades.
I also worked as a psychiatric nurse for 10 years, and taught doctors and nurses about addictions for 5 years at the Addenbrookes Hospital.
Plus, I've been working for 17 years (and counting) as a personal development, health and nutrition coach.
I say none of these things to brag.
While I appreciate all the positive messages I receive daily from the women I work with I‘m not the heroine here.
It’s women like you who take the courage to become the woman they want to be.
I‘m here to show you the path and give you the confidence to walk that path by providing you with proven strategies to reach your goals.
And I’d be more than happy to see you inside the course to help you be the next success story.
Imagine if you didn’t have to limit your life because of your fear.
Because you know you’re worthy of the things you have and do.
Imagine being kind to yourself instead of being your own worst critic... having kind thoughts about yourself, like you do with others.
That‘s my promise to you: to hold your hand and walk with you all the way from being at the mercy of negative and destructive habits to wellbeing and freedom.
Don’t just take my word for it.
See what other women are saying about my 'Finding Freedom' Program:
“Charli is always there with supportive and strong guidance and support through the program. We all have various challenges, and Charli’s personal life experiences enables her to guide you in a heartfelt and genuine way that is truly focused on the needs of the individual. Charli is unique and I have never come across anyone that can provide a truly holistic approach to each and every individual so successfully. Thank you Charli, this gift of freedom has been life- changing.”
~ Daisy C
“Working with Charli has been a fantastic, life altering experience. I have loved the support, trust and insight Charli offers without judgement; I feel more open and more ready for life stuff as a result. Guided by Charli, this felt like my own journey which has changed the way I look at the world, at my thoughts and at my relationships – especially my relationship with myself and my own inner voice. The changes are organic, ongoing and the moments of understanding and clarity are still a surprise but far more recognisable. The few months since working with Charli have been quite something on a personal level and I will be forever grateful.”
~ Amy K
“This is a very thorough and easy-to-understand incremental introduction to our innate inner wisdom and health. It was extremely comprehensive and I thoroughly enjoyed every module,
which consisted of an interesting mix of ‘lessons’ - sometimes with exercises, guest speakers, mediations, online group counselling and suggestions for further reading. I cannot recommend this course highly enough...a life changer!”
~ Sheridan J
Join me for my 8-week interactive online video course:
Each week, a new module with videos will be unlocked for you to watch which are available as a podcast or video
PLUS, you will join my Circle Community of women, who have already been through the programme, & can support you as sisters who have been where you are and can offer you hope.
A unique integration of deep intensive cognitive healing lessons, meditations, and a membership style community to help women heal themselves of habits and anxiety at a deep nervous system level.
Access to group coaching calls are where you’ll be able to share your learnings and insights with your fellow members and ask questions to me.
So whenever you need help, feel uncertain or stuck, these live calls are there to give you the confidence for long-lasting change.
In addition you will also get lifetime access to the program materials including the group call recordings.
So you can work through the course at your own pace or always refer to the course whenever you face an issue that’s been addressed in it.
Here‘s what’s waiting for you inside:
WEEK 1: Unlearning & Undoing - a new paradigm in Psychology
How we have been innocently looking in the wrong place for our wellbeing, and how you
have way more power than you think.
WEEK 2: How Thought Creates Feeling
This is the game changer in understanding where your mental health truly lies, and we look to the place of a deeper knowing that you are powered by spirit, and not by your thoughts.
WEEK 3: Let's take a look at who you REALLY are underneath your habit or anxiety
What if I told you that YOU didn’t have anxiety, or any habits of thought/ behaviour? We’ll look at that statement more closely and I’ll show you how to access the source of your wellbeing.
WEEK 4: Love & Understanding
Why life is nothing to be feared: how you can experience love AND understanding for yourself, and others even in the midst of adversity. We’ll start to look at what I call ‘your psychological innocence.’
WEEK 5: What is THOUGHT exactly?
We take a deeper look at the hidden variable and the hidden constant of Thought, and I help you to see for yourself how you are closer to health than you know.
WEEK 6: The Inside-Out nature of life
Rather like the teddy bear analogy above, we will explore how we have misunderstood life, and how it works only one way - inside-out.
WEEK 7: Going a bit deeper
Awakening to our inner knowing and remembering that a deeper intelligence, the hidden potential of your mind, is within you that 'knows' and that can be relied on far more than our hamster wheel thinking. We'll explore the nature of that knowing, how to befriend it and trust it more, even in the middle of anxiety or a habit attack.
WEEK 8: Life is always living you
Exploring the truth that will have you sense an even deeper grounding in this knowing of innate wellbeing and will have you discover, explore and correct the common misunderstandings that have been causing your anxiety, habits of thought and behaviour up to this point.
But that’s not all. You’ll also get the following Bonuses
Bonus #1:
The Circle Community
(Think of it like your new Teddy Bear, but much better)
You’ll get access to a very special community. It’s my secret Facebook community called, 'The Circle group' where you can connect with other participating and past members of the Freedom Program. How will this help?
- Have other supporting members always on stand-by especially when you most need it. You’ll have a community of like-minded women to hold you accountable and support you.
- Speak your mind. Meet other women who are just like you. Women that are working towards the same goals as you. Women who understand how you feel. It’s your secure place to talk about your thoughts and feelings you otherwise couldn’t talk about before.
Bonus #2:
Live Expert Calls + Archive Materials seen nowhere else
Additional to the weekly group events, I invite one expert or coach as a guest coach speaker every month…
- This is a great opportunity for you to see the things you learn from a different perspective and deepen your understanding of yourself. Members of the program often describe these calls as “A source of wonderful perspectives.”
- You’ll also get access to 7 past guest interviews (shared nowhere else), covering topics like Addictions, Grief, Love & Relationships, Overwhelm, and your “Inner Compass.” You’ll get tips and insights on how you can apply everything you learn in different areas of your life.
Bonus #3:
Learn Anywhere, Anytime
To make sure you have access to the course material even on days you’re busy or feel tired, you can:
- Download every video of the Freedom Program as an MP3 file directly to your phone, tablet, or laptop
- And listen to the program while you’re going to work, cooking something for dinner, taking a bath, or relaxing on the couch
No matter what, you’ll be able to learn and repeat the program material whenever you like or need it.
Bonus #4:
8 Guided Meditations to accompany each weekly module.
Bonus #5:
Podcast Interview - Dr. Bill Pettit
This is an INCREDIBLE interview with one of the leading experts in the field of Innate Health - Dr. Bill Pettit, who has been changing lives for over 40 years. He has a gentle soul and a wonderful way with words. Listening to him is like listening to music. In this interview, entitled "There is One Cause & One Solution for Mental Health", you will hopefully gain a real insight about your truth just by listening to this one conversation.
Bonus #6:
Guided Self-Love Meditation Audio
This is a beautiful calming guided 10-minute audio meditation, by me, with the message, that you are enough.
This compliments the resources to get you started on your journey.
To summarise, here’s everything you get inside of the
Lifetime ownership of the 8-week Freedom interactive online video course
- 24/7 access to the Circle resources, educational vlogs, recordings, meditations and live trainings within your own membership portal and a safe, supportive community in an exclusive Facebook group
- Access to the Circle Community and potential lifetime friends!
- Weekly group support from me
- The option to download every video as an MP3 file to listen on the go
- The Dr. Bill Pettit podcast interview
- My 10-minute guided self-love meditation
- The opportunity to get even more support from me 1:1
What Happens Next
- After your payment is processed you’ll receive an email with login details to the member’s area and a link to the Facebook group.
- Once you click these links, you’ll get immediate access to your first resources to prepare you for the first week of the program.
- After that, you’ll unlock new modules and videos every week.
- You will be contacted by me or my PA Daryl about accessing the first group live call.
"I was initially sceptical about doing online courses but I started talking to Charli and her calm and reassuring way made me feel that I could do this and I was ready to hear what she was saying. The FFHA program material given is full and insightful.
I have taken so much time going over and over the modules (not in order) but when something sunk in and moments of clarity came, I reaffirmed my understanding with Charli’s words and blogs.
I haven’t yet completed all the modules as I continue to learn with each new module. I'm new to meditation but Charli’s recordings are really calming and are now my go to tool to calm if stressed.
My life is starting to calm and my mind unravels the years of damaging habits and real anxiety about everything. If you can do the program with Charli, do it. The constant support and knowing you have the course material always to go back to and go over.
The course also has its own Facebook page to post your concerns or misunderstandings and you can hear from the other ladies in the group along with the weekly group chat . It’s not easy changing things in your life that you hold onto but since finding Charli I’m calmer and my life is beginning to change. Charli is an excellent course leader and teacher."
~ Nikki G
Now, if you’re still thinking about whether you should join or not, let me ask you this question:
How many people do you know who truly understand how you feel?
Chances are, there isn’t really anyone you can think of… especially considering the situation we’re in at the moment.
So you can either...
1. Do nothing and say "I'm fine."
Having no one to talk with about how you feel because sharing something so deep and personal might scare the people you know away.
OR …
2. Give yourself a nudge to overcome your self-doubt and join a caring community of women who are with you in this.
My dream is to see you walking, head held high, knowing you can do this by yourself.
And knowing that until that day - you have my full support.
That’s what I want for you and what I know is possible.
Frequently Asked Questions
These are some of the questions people most frequently ask me:
Why should I trust you? I have tried everything else.
You shouldn’t automatically trust me, but do trust yourself. I have been where you are, and I have studied many of the psychological modalities. What changed for me, was when I came across the Principles of Innate Health and I am deeply passionate about sharing these. I am also a Mental & Physical Health Specialist with over 25 years of experience both professionally & personally.
I’m not on Facebook. How can I access the group?
Don't worry as you will have access to the Membership Portal, where I house all the materials, and you can also share your learnings. There will also be email communication. Some past clients have created a secret FB account just for the group. If FB isn't your thing, we will liaise with you regarding all the relevant calls & links so you can attend if you would like to.
What if I can’t make it to the live calls?
Don’t worry, all the calls are recorded and live-streamed into the FB secret members group.
You are always welcome to join in late if you need to, or send me your questions in advance of the calls. There will always be the option to send questions to me anonymously too.
What if I have questions whilst I am going through the program?
We have a free support community on Facebook where I and many of the women are there to support you. If you join, you WILL be supported.
The Membership Portal is open for you to leave comments and I will review this daily.
I am also, always at the end of an email.
Are there any other ways that I can work with you?
Yes - I have several other products and programs. To be the first to know whenever something new is happening, visit my website and subscribe to my newsletter or join my free Facebook community
Is there anything else I need to know?
Nothing I can think of. But if you do have any other questions before you go ahead & join me, just drop me a message at and I'll respond with the answers you need. I am here to help and I want you to be as sure as you need to be before you join me on this program.